A forearm with a big dark mole on it.


Regular skin examinations and mole monitoring are crucial steps in the early detection and successful treatment of skin cancer.

Skin and Mole Checks Overview

Regular skin examinations and mole monitoring are crucial steps in the early detection and successful treatment of skin cancer.

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is the primary preventive measure, but proactive checks are key to identifying any new or changed lesions that could indicate skin cancer. Here are some detailed points on the importance of skin and mole checks:

  • Early Detection Saves Lives: Approximately 95% of skin cancers can be effectively treated when detected early. Routine skin and mole checks are vital for catching skin cancer in its initial stages when it’s most treatable.
  • Simple and Non-Invasive: Skin checks are straightforward and non-invasive, making them an easy yet essential addition to your healthcare routine. One of the GP’s can quickly identify any concerning changes or new growths during a routine check.
  • Referral to Specialists When Necessary: General practitioners act as the initial point of contact, adeptly spotting any worrying changes in the skin and referring you to dermatologists for specialised care if needed, ensuring prompt and appropriate action.

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